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Monday, January 13, 2014

Justin Bieber throwing an egg at a building somehow caused $20,000 in damage. How hard did he throw it?
Justin Bieber’s egg-throwing escapades last week have somehow caused $20,000 worth of damage to his neighbour’s house, which begs the question: how hard can Justin Bieber throw an egg? If he gets the angles right it sounds like he could pelt an egg into the very heart of the sun. If he threw an egg through a wind tunnel the resulting friction could be a clean source of energy for the rest of the world. Why do we let him
make music when he has a right arm like a cannon? Use your powers for good, Justin Bieber! For good!
Anyway, as TMZ reported last week, Justin got into a bit of bother with the police after pelting his neighbour’s house in Calabasas with eggs – with sources suggesting the pair had a history of petty squabbles pre-egging.
Normally, egging someone’s house is just a fun jape to do to especially strict teachers on Hallowe’en, but it sounds like Justin’s neighbour is taking the whole thing more seriously – in California, you have to cause more than $400 worth of damage for something to be considered vandalism, and according to an early estimate, Justin’s egg-scapade will end up costing $20,000.

TMZ reports the entire front of the house needs replastering – at a cost of $15,000 – with a further $5,000 in repairs needed to restain a number of doors and window frames affected by fresh new yolky stains. It’s thought Justin is yet to call and apologise, and his people are not thought to have been in touch to offer to pay – meaning the case could be referred to the LA County District Attorney, who could rule that the incident was a legitimate felony.

Imagine if Justin Bieber goes to prison for throwing an egg really hard at his neighbour’s house. Imagine.

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