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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Yahoo Yahoo Boys responsible for Obamacare Web glitches: Sen. Ted Cruz

Cruz made the comment during his welcome-home rally in Houston, fresh off his fake-filibuster in which he tried to derail Obamacare. The move is partially blamed for the government shutdown that lasted for two weeks.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) gestures on stage as he is welcomed home by supporters in Houston.


U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) gestures on stage as he is welcomed home by supporters in Houston.

Sen. Ted Cruz joked Nigerian email scammers were responsible for the technical glitches that have prevented users from registering online for Obamacare.
"You may have noticed that all the Nigerian email scammers have become a lot less active lately," he said at a gathering of Tea Party supporters Monday, "They all have been hired to run the Obamacare website," he added, according to the Houston Chronicle.
The Texan referenced the online fraud originating from the African country, which prompts unsuspecting recipients to wire money to scammers, as he highlighted the difficulties users trying to register for government sponsored healthcare have encountered.
Cruz’s visit to his home district comes after his ‘fauxibuster’ and his moves to try and derail Obamacare.


Cruz’s visit to his home district comes after his ‘fauxibuster’ and his moves to try and derail Obamacare.

Cruz received a hero's welcome in his hometown of Houston this weekend — after his extended fake-filibuster in late September and his perceived leadership in causing the government shutdown.
The outspoken politician vowed to do everything in his power to prevent the implementation of the "national nightmare," aka the Affordable Care Act, in his remarks.
Though enrollment numbers have not been released for the healthcare overhaul, it's believed "many" Americans trying to register online since the rollout began Oct. 1 have been prevented from registering.
Cruz, a rising star in national politics, joked that Nigerian email scammers were the reason why Obama’s health care exchange websites have not properly functioned since the Oct. 1 launch.


Cruz, a rising star in national politics, joked that Nigerian email scammers were the reason why Obama’s health care exchange websites have not properly functioned since the Oct. 1 launch.

President Obama has acknowledged the rollout has not been smooth and said there was "no excuse" for the problems.
"Nobody is madder than me about the fact that the website is not working as well as it should, which means it's gonna get fixed," the President said Monday.

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