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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mum awarded thousands after being raped by brother living on breadline as payout remains locked in trust fund

Tressa Middleton, who became Scotland's youngest mum at 12, won a £27,500 payout after being repeatedly sexually abused by her brother in her own home.
Tressa has no socks and can't afford new jeans or a carpet

A TRAUMATISED mum who was awarded £27,500 after she was raped as a child by her brother has told how the law has left her ­struggling to make ends meet.
Tressa Middleton was 12 when she became Scotland’s youngest mum in 2006 after being ­repeatedly sexually abused in her own home.

After a trial in 2009, her brother Jason was jailed for four years after DNA tests proved he was her baby’s father.
Tressa hoped for a new start in life when she was awarded ­criminal injury compensation.
But she has been left living on the breadline because her money has been locked in a trust fund
that forces her to ask for meagre handouts.
Tressa, now 20, said: “When my brother went to jail, I was given this money which was put into a fund for me.
“I thought this would be my one chance to turn my life around and time to turn my back on the abuse and pain of my past.
“I thought it would be the help I needed to start afresh, maybe by moving abroad, where no one knew me. But despite having that sitting in the bank, some days I wonder how I’ll eat.
“I have letters coming in with final demands for money. They are going to stop my electricity soon.
“No amount of money will make up for my missed childhood. But I want to move on and try and build a future. I don’t want to beg.”
When the fund was set up, Tressa agreed to restrictions to make sure family or other people who knew her couldn’t force her to give them money.
But what seemed like a sensible idea soon became a millstone around her neck.
Enable Scotland, who ­administer her cash via their trustee service, have the power to give her less than she asks for or nothing at all.
Tressa, who is unemployed, said: “I’m being treated like a child and have to go begging for every penny.
“I’m an adult and the money is supposed to be mine after what I went through.
“If I ever want anything, I have to call them up and they decide if I’m allowed it or not.
“If they say yes, it’s always a ­fraction of what I asked for and it’s transferred into my account.”
Tressa, from Bathgate, West Lothian, said she has been limited to £3000 a year, mostly receiving £100 to £150 at a time.
Her biggest single spend was £800 for a couch, which was administered through the trust.
It’s a laborious process. When she wants something, she has to call the shop, get their details and have the money ­transferred to their account.
She has had enough of living this way and wants control of the money she was awarded for the suffering she went through.
She added: “I don’t need it in five or 10 years, I need it now.
“At the moment, I don’t have carpets on my floor and I don’t own a pair of socks.
“My clothes don’t fit me and I need help to squeeze into my jeans, which leave me with red marks and sores on my sides.
“I don’t own a toaster. I have a TV but it has a huge crack in the middle.
“This week alone, I’ve been calling saying my oven has broken and I need to buy a replacement.
“I was told the cheapest one available is £113 from Argos and I’m allowed to buy that. It’s always the cheapest of everything.
“I want to start a new life and spend some money on my house, so for the first time in my life I have somewhere safe, warm and comfortable to live.
“My brother is due to get out soon and if he is allowed a new start, then I’d like one too.”
Tressa’s childhood was destroyed by Jason, who began his campaign of abuse, rape and blackmail before she hit puberty at age nine.
When she became pregnant, she claimed the baby was the result of a drunken liaison with a teenager.
Aged 14, she revealed the truth to a friend.
But instead of her family protecting her, Tressa said they turned their backs on her.
People living nearby made nasty comments to the young mum and she had no money and no means of getting a job.
She fell into a spiral of drink and drugs and her daughter was taken into care when she was two.
Daily Record handout Tressa and newborn baby with mum Tracey
Tressa and newborn baby with mum Tracey
 Tressa, who waived her right to anonymity when the news of her brother’s abuse hit the headlines, said: “After everything came out, I didn’t have anything left.
“I’d lost my little girl, my home and my family. My family didn’t believe me. I had nowhere to turn.”
She battled her demons and freed herself from drugs in 2010, before finding love with Darren Young. The couple got engaged before discovering she was ­pregnant in June 2012.
But in August 2012, Tressa suffered a miscarriage in the early stages, three days before her mother Tracey died from pneumonia.
Losing her mum, who had been with her when she gave birth to her daughter, was a big blow. They fell out when Tracey refused to believe her brother was ­responsible but were ­reconciled before she died.
Tressa said: “As the years went on, I wanted to have a relationship with her.
“Having my own child and being separated from her showed me how important it is.
“So we got back in touch and something in me healed. When she fell ill, I was devastated.
“Then I lost my second baby and my mum passed away. The pain was just numbing.
“I went to see if I could have money to put something towards my mum’s funeral or even buy her flowers but I was told no. My mum had to wait seven weeks before she could be cremated.
“I just wanted to show I cared as despite everything that happened, she was still my mum.”
As she said her final goodbye to Tracey, she came face-to-face with Jason, who had been released to carry their mother’s coffin.
Amazingly, Tressa has forgiven him for the suffering he caused.
She said: “When I set eyes on my brother I didn’t feel anything.
“It’s sick what he did, but it’s all over now. I decided to forgive him as it’s the one thing my mum wanted us to do.
“When I saw him at my mum’s graveside, I almost wanted to hug him. He looked so sad and I just felt so low. But all I can do now is look forward.”
Jason, now 25, was returned to prison after breaking his bail ­conditions.
Tressa longs to rekindle her ­relationship with her daughter, who she is still separated from.
One reason she wants improved access to her compensation cash is to give half of it to her.
Despite the hardship, she has found peace and happiness with Darren, 27, and is making plans for the future for the first time.
Having access to her money without restrictions would be a step towards leaving her past behind.
Tressa said: “Darren has really been there for me and with him I know I can be happy.
“We would like to get married. I’d take a small amount of the money and put it towards giving us both a happy day to remember to mark the start of our new life.
“I may be an adult but I’m not trusted with my own money.”
Enable Scotland said they were unable to discuss individual cases.
But a spokesman added: “Many people are referred to our Trustee Service from agencies such as the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.
“All such trusts, and the conditions they contain, are agreed with, and by, the beneficiaries before the trusts are opened.
“The money in a trust is available for the ­beneficiary to use in everyday life.
“We work with the beneficiary to establish a future, and often long-term, plan for the use of the trust and to identify key areas for spending.
“Stipulations are agreed in advance with, and by, the ­beneficiary in relation to how the money will be used.”

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