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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Kanye West Moves To Halt 'Coinye West', he was never going to see the funny side...
Kanye West has moved to halt the launch of spoof currency 'Coinye West'.
Launched in 2009, Bitcoin has moved beyond the realm of niche internet cult and into the mainstream. A peer-to-peer online currency, it has spawned numerous imitators - including a high profile rap parody.
Coinye West is a similar peer-to-peer currency, seemingly inspired by Kanye West. Given the rapper's litigious history, though, the team behind the launch were open about their belief that law suits were a-comin' their way
Well, it seems the rapper is a little peeved. Launching yesterday (January 7th), the URL for the currency shifted from to (via Pitchfork)
No sooner had the site gone live than Kanye West's lawyer slapped the Coinye West team with a cease and desist letter. Wall Street Journal obtained the hard facts, and you can check out the full letter Below: 
 The lawyers demand that the creators stop using the terms "Coinye West" and "Coinye", stop the development and distribution of any products and services, stop using Kanye's copyrighted material, and completely deactivate the website and social media accounts. The lawyers specifically cite the Coinye creators' interview with Noisey, where they say, among other things, that they're staying anonymous "in case kanye gets pissed off".
Though the company has changed their original logo (above) and changed the URL from to, they launched their site today.

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