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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Islamic extremist leader boasts of Nigerian attack

The leader of an Islamic uprising in northeastern Nigeria boasts in a new video of a daring attack on military bases in a provincial capital and threatens to attack the United States.
Few believe the Boko Haram terrorist network has such capability despite fears its
insurgency could reach neighboring states.
In the video received Thursday, Abubakar Shekau dismisses last month's U.S. designation of his group as a terrorist organization and suggests a country that could not stop the 9/11 attacks cannot hurt his movement.
Thousands have been killed in the Nigerian insurgency since 2009.
The video shows burning buildings and aircraft in the Dec. 2 attack on an air force base outside Maiduguri and warns, "Don't think we will stop in Maiduguri. Tomorrow you will see us in America itself."

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