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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

“I caught my husband in our 60-year-old neighbour’s bedroom.

 I  wonder what he wants from the old woman........
A 42-year-old housewife, Mrs Omolabake Bashorun, on Tuesday told an Igando Customary Court in Lagos that she caught her husband inside their 60-year-old woman neighbour’s bedroom.

Omolabake, a mother of two, disclosed this while begging the court to dissolve her 18-year-old marriage with her 43-year-old husband, Tunde Bashorun, a businessman.

The woman said that
she does not want to die young and that she was no longer interested in the marriage.

“Since the day I caught my husband inside our neighbour’s bedroom, he has been threatening to kill me.

“I caught my husband hiding behind the door of our neighbour’s bedroom, when I went there to pick my purse that I forgot in the room earlier that day.

“Our neighbour, a 60-year-old woman and I are very close; I enter her flat anytime of the day.

“On that fateful day, I knocked her door to pick my purse. I could not enter because she had locked the door from behind; so she told me to come back, that she was sleeping.

“I insisted because I needed my purse to pay for what I just bought, so I forced myself inside the room and I saw my husband hiding beside her door, sweating,’’ she said.

She added that since that day, her husband’s behaviour changed; he had turned her into a punch ball and always threatening to kill her.

“After beating me, he will pick either a cutlass, a pestle or a knife, threatening to kill me, if I refused to pack out of his house; that he was tired of me and that he had found new love.

“My screaming always attracted our neighbours, who usually rescued me.

“He also called my relatives to come and take me away; that if they did not do so on time, it is my corpse they will meet,’’ the estranged wife said.

She added that her husband no longer slept on the same bed with her, that he preferred sleeping on the floor or going to their neighbour’s room to sleep.

Omolabake added that her husband also transferred the aggression to his children, as he was no longer responsible for their upkeep.

“He stopped paying their school fees and refused to buy them clothes; instead, he would go and collect used clothes from his friends’ children and bring them home for his children,’’ she said.

The respondent, Bashorun, did not deny the allegation that his wife met him in their neighbour’s bedroom, but said that he went there to collect something.

“My wife saw me in our neighbour’s room, but I only went there to collect something,’’ he said.

He submitted that he only beat Omolabake whenever she erred, adding that she was fond of reporting him to his friends and neighbours anytime they had a misunderstanding.

“My wife always reports me to third parties, which I detest so much that I usually beat her to make her change,’’ he said.

Bashorun said that he always give his children food money, bought them new clothes and that he was still paying their school fees.

He appealed to the court not to dissolve the union, saying that he was still interested in the marriage.

The Court President, Mr R.I Adeyeri, however, adjourned the case till Oct. 21, for continuation of hearing.

A 42-year-old housewife, Mrs Omolabake Bashorun, on Tuesday told an Igando Customary Court in Lagos that she caught her husband inside their 60-year-old woman neighbour’s bedroom.
Omolabake, a mother of two, disclosed this while begging the court to dissolve her 18-year-old marriage with her 43-year-old husband, Tunde Bashorun, a businessman.
The woman said that she does not want to die young and that she was no longer interested in the marriage.
“Since the day I caught my husband inside our neighbour’s bedroom, he has been threatening to kill me.
“I caught my husband hiding behind the door of our neighbour’s bedroom, when I went there to pick my purse that I forgot in the room earlier that day.
“Our neighbour, a 60-year-old woman and I are very close; I enter her flat anytime of the day.
“On that fateful day, I knocked her door to pick my purse. I could not enter because she had locked the door from behind; so she told me to come back, that she was sleeping.
“I insisted because I needed my purse to pay for what I just bought, so I forced myself inside the room and I saw my husband hiding beside her door, sweating,’’ she said.
She added that since that day, her husband’s behaviour changed; he had turned her into a punch ball and always threatening to kill her.
“After beating me, he will pick either a cutlass, a pestle or a knife, threatening to kill me, if I refused to pack out of his house; that he was tired of me and that he had found new love.
“My screaming always attracted our neighbours, who usually rescued me.
“He also called my relatives to come and take me away; that if they did not do so on time, it is my corpse they will meet,’’ the estranged wife said.
She added that her husband no longer slept on the same bed with her, that he preferred sleeping on the floor or going to their neighbour’s room to sleep.
Omolabake added that her husband also transferred the aggression to his children, as he was no longer responsible for their upkeep.
“He stopped paying their school fees and refused to buy them clothes; instead, he would go and collect used clothes from his friends’ children and bring them home for his children,’’ she said.
The respondent, Bashorun, did not deny the allegation that his wife met him in their neighbour’s bedroom, but said that he went there to collect something.
“My wife saw me in our neighbour’s room, but I only went there to collect something,’’ he said.
He submitted that he only beat Omolabake whenever she erred, adding that she was fond of reporting him to his friends and neighbours anytime they had a misunderstanding.
“My wife always reports me to third parties, which I detest so much that I usually beat her to make her change,’’ he said.
Bashorun said that he always give his children food money, bought them new clothes and that he was still paying their school fees.
He appealed to the court not to dissolve the union, saying that he was still interested in the marriage.
The Court President, Mr R.I Adeyeri, however, adjourned the case till Oct. 21, for continuation of hearing. (NAN)
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Lagos — Lagos State Government has shut the Headquarters of the Lord’s Chosen and Charismatic Revival Church at Ijesha, Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, over alleged gross environmental abuse and erection of structures on Odo Asimawu Drainage Channel, System 6c.
The government said the church would only be re-opened if certain conditions handed down to the authorities of the church were met.
It was gathered the government officials led by the Commissioner for Environment, Mr. Tunji Bello, had earlier visited the church between Sunday and Monday for inspection where the church authorites were said to have been given notice of impending action.
During the inspection, the Commissioner was said to have discovered, among others,  massive  illegal trading under the Ijesha fly-over on the expressway and large-scale  environmental degradation from the activities of the traders close to the church.
The church through its Public Relations Officer, PRO, Mr. Chidi Louis, confirmed the closure and said efforts were being made to meet the conditions set by the government.
Giving reasons for the shut- down, Bello said “inspection round the premises revealed that the church does not dispose  solid waste generated properly, while as a matter of fact, it openly burns waste generated inside the church premises, thereby exposing the lives of its worshipers to serious health hazard.
“A further investigation also revealed that a substantial part of the one-kilometre church auditorium was built on the Odo Asimawu drainage channel, thereby impeding the flow of storm water, as well as inhibiting effective performance of the channel.
“It was also discovered that the church built all its toilets on the canal and deliberately discharged the raw human waste into the canal.
“The church does not have proper sanitary system and they discharged their wastes into the canal. Most of their members trade on the expressway and we do not want that,” the Commissioner said.
According to the Commissioner, to prevent an outbreak of epidemic, as well as protect the lives of its worshippers and environs, the government was left with no option but to seal up the church.
While commending the cooperation and non resistance of the church authorities, the commissioner observed their willingness to comply, but stated that the state government would only unseal the auditorium until all the environmental nuisances were abated
- See more at:
Lagos — Lagos State Government has shut the Headquarters of the Lord’s Chosen and Charismatic Revival Church at Ijesha, Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, over alleged gross environmental abuse and erection of structures on Odo Asimawu Drainage Channel, System 6c.
The government said the church would only be re-opened if certain conditions handed down to the authorities of the church were met.
It was gathered the government officials led by the Commissioner for Environment, Mr. Tunji Bello, had earlier visited the church between Sunday and Monday for inspection where the church authorites were said to have been given notice of impending action.
During the inspection, the Commissioner was said to have discovered, among others,  massive  illegal trading under the Ijesha fly-over on the expressway and large-scale  environmental degradation from the activities of the traders close to the church.
The church through its Public Relations Officer, PRO, Mr. Chidi Louis, confirmed the closure and said efforts were being made to meet the conditions set by the government.
Giving reasons for the shut- down, Bello said “inspection round the premises revealed that the church does not dispose  solid waste generated properly, while as a matter of fact, it openly burns waste generated inside the church premises, thereby exposing the lives of its worshipers to serious health hazard.
“A further investigation also revealed that a substantial part of the one-kilometre church auditorium was built on the Odo Asimawu drainage channel, thereby impeding the flow of storm water, as well as inhibiting effective performance of the channel.
“It was also discovered that the church built all its toilets on the canal and deliberately discharged the raw human waste into the canal.
“The church does not have proper sanitary system and they discharged their wastes into the canal. Most of their members trade on the expressway and we do not want that,” the Commissioner said.
According to the Commissioner, to prevent an outbreak of epidemic, as well as protect the lives of its worshippers and environs, the government was left with no option but to seal up the church.
While commending the cooperation and non resistance of the church authorities, the commissioner observed their willingness to comply, but stated that the state government would only unseal the auditorium until all the environmental nuisances were abated
- See more at: — Lagos State Government has shut the Headquarters of the Lord’s Chosen and Charismatic Revival Church at Ijesha, Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, over alleged gross environmental abuse and erection of structures on Odo Asimawu Drainage Channel, System 6c.

The government said the church would only be re-opened if certain conditions handed down to the authorities of the church were met.

It was gathered the government officials led by the Commissioner for Environment, Mr. Tunji Bello, had earlier visited the church between Sunday and Monday for inspection where the church authorites were said to have been given notice of impending action.

During the inspection, the Commissioner was said to have discovered, among others,  massive  illegal trading under the Ijesha fly-over on the expressway and large-scale  environmental degradation from the activities of the traders close to the church.

The church through its Public Relations Officer, PRO, Mr. Chidi Louis, confirmed the closure and said efforts were being made to meet the conditions set by the government.

Giving reasons for the shut- down, Bello said “inspection round the premises revealed that the church does not dispose  solid waste generated properly, while as a matter of fact, it openly burns waste generated inside the church premises, thereby exposing the lives of its worshipers to serious health hazard.

“A further investigation also revealed that a substantial part of the one-kilometre church auditorium was built on the Odo Asimawu drainage channel, thereby impeding the flow of storm water, as well as inhibiting effective performance of the channel.

“It was also discovered that the church built all its toilets on the canal and deliberately discharged the raw human waste into the canal.

“The church does not have proper sanitary system and they discharged their wastes into the canal. Most of their members trade on the expressway and we do not want that,” the Commissioner said.

According to the Commissioner, to prevent an outbreak of epidemic, as well as protect the lives of its worshippers and environs, the government was left with no option but to seal up the church.

While commending the cooperation and non resistance of the church authorities, the commissioner observed their willingness to comply, but stated that the state government would only unseal the auditorium until all the environmental nuisances were abatedLagos — Lagos State Government has shut the Headquarters of the Lord’s Chosen and Charismatic Revival Church at Ijesha, Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, over alleged gross environmental abuse and erection of structures on Odo Asimawu Drainage Channel, System 6c.

The government said the church would only be re-opened if certain conditions handed down to the authorities of the church were met.

It was gathered the government officials led by the Commissioner for Environment, Mr. Tunji Bello, had earlier visited the church between Sunday and Monday for inspection where the church authorites were said to have been given notice of impending action.

During the inspection, the Commissioner was said to have discovered, among others,  massive  illegal trading under the Ijesha fly-over on the expressway and large-scale  environmental degradation from the activities of the traders close to the church.

The church through its Public Relations Officer, PRO, Mr. Chidi Louis, confirmed the closure and said efforts were being made to meet the conditions set by the government.

Giving reasons for the shut- down, Bello said “inspection round the premises revealed that the church does not dispose  solid waste generated properly, while as a matter of fact, it openly burns waste generated inside the church premises, thereby exposing the lives of its worshipers to serious health hazard.

“A further investigation also revealed that a substantial part of the one-kilometre church auditorium was built on the Odo Asimawu drainage channel, thereby impeding the flow of storm water, as well as inhibiting effective performance of the channel.

“It was also discovered that the church built all its toilets on the canal and deliberately discharged the raw human waste into the canal.

“The church does not have proper sanitary system and they discharged their wastes into the canal. Most of their members trade on the expressway and we do not want that,” the Commissioner said.

According to the Commissioner, to prevent an outbreak of epidemic, as well as protect the lives of its worshippers and environs, the government was left with no option but to seal up the church.

While commending the cooperation and non resistance of the church authorities, the commissioner observed their willingness to comply, but stated that the state government would only unseal the auditorium until all the environmental nuisances were abated

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