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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

ASUU: It’s now or never!

No one should dispute that the executive of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) comprises the largest collection of intellectuals in leadership positions. If, as supporters of President Jonathan claim, the possession of a PhD means the holder is incapable of making unintelligent decisions then they must accept that ASUU leadership contains far more PhD holders than the Federal Executive Council.
Given that academics unlike politics is a long term career it would be logical to assume ASUU's decisions are based upon long term interests. It would also be reasonable to conclude that their decisions would be more intelligent than those by governments of the day. It's hardly surprising the union hasn't called of its strike in response to appeals for sympathy.  Having spent so much time outside academics perhaps President Jonathan has forgotten such appeals are the most elementary form of fallacy of emotional appeal  which have no place in logical arguments.

ASUU has been pushed to the wall by antics of a government that sees nothing wrong in consistently failing to honour keep its word. The Minister for Labour stated ludicrously that the agreement which government freely entered into is "impossible to implement". The Finance Minister preposterously went on to say that government cannot "afford to pay" or honour the agreement because 'there is no money to meet ASUU's demands". These two Ministers evidently feel that if a debtor doesn't have the money to pay, then somehow the debt is wiped out.
The implication is that the nation should suffer because the Federal Government chooses to budget for new projects rather than meet financial obligations. The current strike has led to the loss of half an academic year and neither party appears prepared to shift ground.   At the centre of the issue is the 2009 agreement which was a compromise made by ASUU to renegotiate after government's failure to honour a 2001 agreement. This consistent failure to honour agreements with ASUU has turned a university system which once churned out world class products into one that now produces barely literate graduates.
Agreements are bin-ding contracts between parties and government cannot consistently breach them without serious reper-cussions. ASUU could have explored the option of taking the federal government to Court but the truth is the case would take years to resolve and government habitually ignores court orders anyway. On the one hand the union cannot back down without losing face and having long term consequences for higher education, on the other hand government is broke and cannot pay, so the campuses remain closed.
ASUU must accept that government has become immune to strikes and the colossal waste associated with them.  If anyone really wants to know how highly university education is rated they only need visit the University of Abuja. The Federal Capital Territory is home to some of the most architecturally wonderful structures in the nation. From the Presidential Villa to the National Assembly, NNPC towers, Central Mosque, NICON Hotel, International Conference Centre, National Stadium and luxury homes the Capital is resplendent with architectural masterpieces.
The University of Abuja is a different matter altogether. One would have expected the campus to have structures and facilities that would attract world class academics and make it the preferred destination of all Nigerian students. One would have thought that the University would be one of the highest ranked in Africa, but the truth is the place is a shambles, a disgrace with inadequate physical structures, substan-dard programs, and constant turmoil.
ASUU have every right to point out that the funds to rectify substandard structures and non-accredited degree programs have been direc-ted to our current leaders pre-occupation with their own comforts. Any government which values higher education would ensure the campus stands out as an architectural masterpiece and shining example of what the nation expects every University to look like. However, today's leaders prefer to budget for construction of multi-billion naira Banquet Halls and Guest Houses rather than do anything about the disgraceful University of Abuja.
No one denies Federal Universities suffer from over-crowded facilities, crumbling infrastructure, inadequate training materials, ill-moti-vated staff, ill-equipped stu-dents, academic stagnation, and lack of innovation. No one denies Nigerian graduates are taught outdated information and posses no marketable employment skills. No one denies the elite have abandoned government universities and their children attend overseas or private universities not affected by the decay and ongoing strike. ASUU have to wake up to the unfortunate reality that no one really cares. Neither the federal government nor the majority of Nigerians give a damn about them and their problems.
The government sponso-red anti-ASUU protests, the pleas by Royal fathers and former Heads of State, the threats by NANS, and the eroding public support are all evidence of a citizenry pre-occupied with trying to surmount their individual problems to the detriment of the well being of all.  As far as the youth are concerned they are bored staying at home and the quality of their degree doesn't really matter because there are no jobs anyway. Parents just want to live in peace and get their children out of their hair. Those who make their livelihood providing services on campus are suffering. Government has bankrupted the nation and is busy preparing for 2015 elections. ASUU must accept that the universities cannot remain closed indefinitely and they are the only ones really concerned about standards.  It's now or never for the union. If they cannot stand firm and insist on their entitlements then our university system is doomed to continued failure. Having carried on the battle for so long this must be the last strike.  We must not allow disruptions in our higher education system to be a regular occurrence. If so it will be a disaster of monumental proportions because without a properly educated graduate class we shall never be able to rescue our country from the mess of underdevelopment.

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