The 20-year-old "We Can't Stop" singer, who once said she was "disappointed" in herself for getting caught smoking salvia, now has no problems talking about her recreational drug use. In new outtakes from her recent Rolling Stone interview (which accompanied her topless cover shoot), the ex-child star raves that "weed is the best drug on earth," especially compared to cocaine. MDMA — a.k.a. Molly — also gets a big thumbs up from the former Hannah Montana actress.
"One time I smoked a joint with peyote in it, and I saw a wolf howling at the moon," Cyrus tells
Rolling Stone contributing editor Josh Eells. "Hollywood is a coke town, but weed is so much better. And Molly, too. Those are happy drugs — social drugs. They make you want to be with friends. You're out in the open. You're not in a bathroom."
She then laid the funniest burn on coke that I have ever heard.
"I really don't like coke. It's so gross and so dark. It's like, what are you, from the '90s? Ew."
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